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CAZyme Gene Cluster: NC_000913.3|CGC7

CGC gene composition diagram | Gene composition table | Substrate predicted by dbCAN-sub |  Substrate predicted by dbCAN-PUL search  |  Filtered homologs of dbCAN-PUL hits  

CGC gene composition diagram

Gene composition table

Protein ID Type Start End Strand Signature
NC_000913.3_328 TC 352706 354592 + 4.C.1.1.6
NC_000913.3_329 TC 354922 356181 + 2.A.39.1.1
NC_000913.3_330 null 356171 357454 +
NC_000913.3_331 TF 357791 358690 - HTH_1
NC_000913.3_332 TC 358799 359458 + 2.A.53.3.8
NC_000913.3_333 STP 359489 359959 + Cyanate_lyase
NC_000913.3_334 TC 359965 361146 + 2.A.1.17.1
NC_000913.3_335 null 361249 361860 -
NC_000913.3_336 TC 361926 363179 - 2.A.1.5.1
NC_000913.3_337 CAZyme 363231 366305 - GH2|GH2_e92